Friday 8 May 2009

B2B - it is a very small market

Just read a report by BERR (Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform) on SMEs (small medium enterprises) in the UK.

Here are some headline stats

1. 99.9% of businesses are SMEs (under 250 employees)

2. Of 4.68m private sector enterprises in the UK, 3.6m don't have any employees and are probably shells.

3. There are less than 27,000 companies with more than 50 employees.

4. 50% of SMEs with 50 to 250 employees are family owned

You cant help but think there is a lot of sophisticated marketing chasing very few prospects of either value or readiness to buy, especially in terms of IT. So if someone like Avaya or HP know which sectors they are after they should go the extra inch and get on first name terms with their best prospects or perhaps invite them round for dinner. Big campaigns are just for the benefit of sales teams, providing a bit of momentum.

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Just curious about marketing, psychology, economics, business, irrational behaviour, people, models, communications, advertising, market imperfections, b2b marketing. I work in the marketing communications industry for OgilvyOne.